Our Rug Restoration Services Are Sought After

Rug restoration services are often sought when individuals want to avoid expensive rug replacement. Our team has been delivering first-rate rug restoration services since we opened our doors years ago, and we provide these along with exceptional rug cleaning services.
Sure, we are known in and around the area for delivering antique and vintage rug cleaning in CT, but this doesn't mean our rug restoration services aren't popular too. They are, and we often save rug owners from having to throw out the rugs they love.
Rug restoration doesn't have to be an expensive process, and we take pride in our ability to perform quick restoration services for an affordable price. If you believe your rug is on its last legs, take it to us instead of putting it in the trash.
We perform a wide range of rug restoration services, but we're often asked by both home and business owners to do recoloring, reweaving, binding, and fringing. If you need any of these restoration services, or another one that’s not listed, we’ll be happy to help you.


We’ll Help You When You Need Rug Recoloring

Rug recoloring will bring life back to your antique rug. Just because your rug is old doesn't mean it can't get recolored. Our experts have been performing rug recoloring services for years, and they're meticulous and detailed. You'll never have to worry about rug dye running or a rug’s pattern being screwed up. We’ll only improve your rugs—never make them worse. Putting dye on old materials is no problem, as we know how to do this.

We’re Often Called To Deliver Rug Reweaving

A rug reweaving service will come in handy if you own an antique or vintage rug. This restoration service is also sought by those who own Persian, Moroccan, Oriental, and Turkish rugs. If your rug has been damaged by moths or other insects, then there's a good chance that reweaving will save it. We’ll perform this restoration service in no time, and we’ll have your rug back to you before you even notice it's gone. Best of all, this rug restoration service won't break your bank.

When Rug Binding Is Absolutely Needed

Rug binding is a rug restoration service that will save you from putting your rug out in the trash. We can use binding tape or a special sewing machine to bind your rug. It's really up to you. We’ll pursue the method that's most affordable and fastest, and when you get your rug back it'll be sturdy for many years. Some say that binding antique rugs can't be done, but we have years of experience that says otherwise.

Get Rug Fringing To Avoid Rug Replacement

If your rug’s fringe is starting to go, then the degradation process is already underway. We’ll stop this before it gets too bad, and we’ll repair your rug’s fringe so it doesn't cause you any problems in the future. A rug’s fringe is arguably its most important component, so when this gets destroyed the rest of the rug will be in danger of getting destroyed as well.